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RegEnergy Frövi: Tomato production can start soon and the first tomatoes are already sold

May 17th 2024

In Frövi, Sweden, about 200 km from Stockholm, the results of years of work will soon come to fruition. Here, a 100,000 m2 facility is now complete and on the verge of starting its operational phase. The result of this will be the production of 8,000 tons of tomatoes per year. We expect the greenhouse to go live this month, after which the tomatoes can be planted. We expect the first tomatoes from Frövi to be available in Swedish supermarkets during late summer.

It has also already been decided in which supermarkets the first tomatoes will be available. Both supermarket chains ICA and Coop will be selling Frövi tomatoes. Both have stated that it comes from a desire to strengthen food safety in Sweden. Read here what ICA and Coop themselves say about the collaboration:

ICA: Satsar på ny tomatanläggning

Coop: Satsning skal ge svenska tomater året rundt

More than 80% of Sweden's tomatoes currently come from imports. The Selected RegEnergy project in Frövi will change this. The greenhouse will produce around 10% of Sweden's total tomato consumption annually. The heat utilized for the tomatoes in the greenhouse is waste heat from the nearby paper products factory, Billerud. Here, the waste heat is taken from the paper mill and transported in a 400 km long pipe system around the greenhouse. You can read more about the construction of the greenhouse here.

Selected RegEnergy fund

The RegEnergy project in Frövi is just the first of a number of projects in the Selected-RegEnergy fund. The fund's other projects will also involve the establishment of greenhouses where the utilization of waste products from industrial production can be used for sustainable food and biomaterial production.

An investment in the Selected RegEnergy fund is a long-term investment with an average annual return of +15% per year.

You can read more about the Selected RegEnergy investment fund here.

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Selected RegEnergy